David talks about the current tour… and other things.
1. How is your shoulder?
-Much, much better… It’s the knees I’m dealing with now!!!… Ha Ha!!!
2. I have to say that surely some new material would help make this chapter even more exciting & intense, don’t you agree? I’d love to hear a new song live… a Coverdale/ Aldrich/ Beach composition that really kicks us in the butt. Is this a possibility?
-There is always that possibility… But, not if I have to get back into the ‘music biz’ to achieve this… I am so alienated from the ‘industry’ it ain’t funny… I am still researching ways to deliver ‘new’ music to our loving audience… & I still plan to include at least 4 new songs as a bonus to the live double CD for next year, God Willing…
3. Are you pleased by the reception the earlier material has received on this tour?
-Absolutely… however, I still see quizzical looks on many faces when we play them… & the response isn’t as wild as when they know a particular song… Overall, the response we receive at every show is astonishing to me… I’m having a great time… I think I might give up me day job & do this for a living…
4. How do you decide on the setlist?
-Well… you start with the ‘obvious’ ones… the most successful songs…Most people buy their ticket to hear the songs they are most familiar with… & are disappointed, in varying degrees, if they don’t get that song… For instance… I decided to take a break from ‘Fool For Your Loving’ this time out… Why???… Cos’ I’ve sang it at every show since it was conceived… & I needed a break from it… I will likely reinstate it next time out…but, I know some people wait to hear that one all night… It’s a fine line, but, I stand by my guns… Of course, I ask the band what they would favor playing… They are the reason we’re playing ‘Burn’, for example…
5. Is there a new tour book on this tour?
-It has 6 new pages, I believe that are different from the European book… Of course, Mr Duffy makes his very welcome appearance in it… Very photogenic he is, too… & we have some new stuff on Timothy…
6. The venues are different than what you are use to in the past…. how do you like them?
– Some are great… some ain’t… It takes me back to the very early days… The ones where smoking is allowed are very difficult for me…The smoke is incredibly aggressive on my vocal cords… Anyone who sees me perform can easily see I take in HUGE amounts of air to support those notes… & smoky rooms have taken their toll… I drink gallons of pure water to flush all that stuff out of me… I can fully understand when people who complain about second hand smoke now… Anyway… those venues are the most difficult for me… I can’t believe I used to smoke cigarettes, & whatever, during shows before!!!…
7. Would you do it again this way?
8. Middle of summer…hot… does it take a toll, how do you keep fresh?
-Hot???… surely you jest???… This is like playing in Satan’s Den!!!… I am religiously sticking to my workouts… my meditations… drinking LOTS of room temp pure water… & getting as much rest as possible… The traveling takes most out of me… As nice as my bus is, it’s like driving around Afghanistan over here… The roads in this amazing country are in an appalling state…
9. What do you miss most when you are on the road?
-My Family… my home… my mountain walks… & fresh air…
10. Are you able to ‘stay connected’ internet wise?
-Pretty much… I have a new ‘wireless’ card that helps me stay in touch when I’m driving from city to city… I have LOTS of emails to deal with, as I don’t favor talking so much… I rest my voice when I can…
11. Is it hard to limit yourself to the length of time for a set?
– Yes… we have a lot of fun up there… The big problem is if there’s a curfew… Some people don’t understand when we don’t play certain songs they heard at other venues… It ain’t us, baby… it’s the venue… If they say finish at 10:30… you finish at 10:30…
12. Was it part of the ‘act’ when you stopped the song at the St. Louis show and asked if Tommy had to much coffee??
– Are you serious???… No… Tommy simply started the wrong song!!!… It was just me having fun with the situation… No… we don’t ‘do an act’… it’s different every night… It has to be… I’d go crazy if it wasn’t!!!
13. Every tour differs from the previous ones. how does this tour differ from the last one and others?
– You mean what’s it like touring when the WHOLE WORLD is on the road???… Up & down business, Mate!!!… My bus driver told me there aren’t enough buses to accommodate all the bands that are trying to get out there this summer… That’s a first… Everyone’s on the road…so, there’s bound to be casualties… I’m grateful we’re doing OK most of the time… Considering the over-saturated market, the country’s economy… the fact that we should have had the extra promotion from the DVD & the Geffen CD… we’ve been doing pretty well… Not great… However, it is what it is… I just wish we had had the DVD out… I feel that would have made a substantial difference… Oh… & some promoters don’t exactly stay on the case… they try to save money on advertising… can’t blame them sometimes… other times you can… In my experience, if you don’t make the effort… then you will rarely see the reward… However, regardless of the business out here, or lack of, the band is putting on exceptional high energy shows every night… I feel the people who are coming to the shows are having a real good time… & hopefully, they will spread the word…
14. This North American tour includes ticket packages. What do you think about them after doing them for a while. Do you think you might do them outside the U.S.?
-I’ve enjoyed meeting so many charming people… & unbelievably, some people have flown in from all over the World to meet with me… Extraordinary!!!… Lovely experience, actually… once I got used to it… Normally, I’m too shagged out after the show to meet anyone, & would normally clamber aboard my trusty ol’ bus for the overnight drive to the next metropolis…however…this has been a most rewarding for me… Whether or not I will continue with it, we shall have to see… Also, I am not sure that the company that is arranging this are connected in other parts of the World to put this kind of encounter together other than the US… I hope so… We shall see…
15. You are meeting many board members at the show…. have you been surprised?
– Yes… pleasantly, I’m delighted to say… Charming people… A very pleasing exchange, I hope… & I hope to meet more…
16. You always say that your goal is to bring as much light, love and joy as you can. With this positive attitude do you feel the same response from the audience, do they give back as much as you give them?
-Yes… I do… without that… I simply couldn’t perform as I do… It must be a mutual exchange…Also, part of my mission is to rattle your lower chakras, baby… Open ’em up, as it were… (Hee Hee…)
17. What do you find is indespensable on the road?
– Without hesitation… & without a doubt… my earplugs!!!… I live in such a quiet village… when I leave I’m assaulted by noise!!!… Some hotels are not as soundproof as they could be… & my bus… tho’ most attractive… rattles like an old Victorian bed on these roads… I also use them when I fly to reduce the decibel level of the aircraft… It really helps… &… there is no question… I couldn’t do this without my incredible band… & crew… & my girls, Christie… my personal assistant, the absolute best…& Melissa… new to our family, but, doing an amazing job…. They are all, without a doubt, above & beyond, a joy to know & work with… God Bless ’em!!!
18. How is your new bass player, Uriah working out?
-He has acquitted himself exceptionally well… He fits in perfectly…We love him!!!… He’s hard working, & conscientious… Totally respectful of his fellow players & the music… He has a great groove sensibility… & brings a cool vibe to the proceedings… The audience have taken him to their bosom… or some would probably LIKE to take him to their bosom!!!… Yes… he’s very welcome… Born to be a Snake!!!
19. Any funny road stories…?
– Ahh I have difficulty with these… Oh… we were returning to the States from Canada… I was tired & thought I had a few hours before the border so I told Christie I was off to bed… she told me I should probably wait as we would be there in about 20 minutes… Unfortunately… it was advice given too late… either that or I couldn’t hear her with me ear plugs in!!!… Anyway… I’m fast asleep when we arrive at the border… the US Immigration guys come on the bus to search for illegal substances, etc… & check our faces with the pix in the passports… well… they couldn’t wake me for love nor money!!!… I was out, Mate!!!… Flashlight in the face… shaking me… everything but the bucket ‘o’ cold water!!!… Not a ripple… DC snores on!!!… Christie & the driver were cracking up telling me about it the next morning when we arrived in New York… ‘LET THE BOY SLEEP!!!’… The Angels declared… & he did!!!
20. What’s next for Whitesnake?
-We have a few more weeks of this US tour… a modest 2 weeks at home… then I take this kick arse band of brothers to South America for the first time… None of the guys, other than me, have been before… I am so looking forward to presenting them to the South American audience!!!… Another reason I am excited to go, is that when I was in Brazil last… I was ill… & fatigued by the humidity, & I was very disappointed with my shows… I am determined to make up for that tour… Yes… The Snake is returning to South America… & I can hardly wait!!!