Welcome To My Party!!! As promised, I have attempted to answer some of your more burning questions. Here they are, RAW and unrehearsed.
1.) Congrats, David! Do you have any unfulfilled visions of music you would like to create and be involved in – that you hope to make come true in the next 10 or 20 years?:)
DC… No really… I just go with the flow… I am looking forward to more intimate, unplugged concerts sometime in the future when I can really interact closely with the crowd…
2.) Would like to ask David if he could hold the ultimate birthday party and have any 2 people from any time in history, any 2 people from the present and any 2 people of his choice from any time or place who would they be???? HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lots of “Love and affection” Thesweetladyluck xxx
DC… Jamming with Jimi Hendrix & speaking with Jesus Christ…
3.) How the birthday of David Coverdale must be? What can not miss at all to be perfect? Purplesnake, Brazil
DC… To be honest, I’d feel a whole lot better counting down, instead up this constant ‘up’… 59… My God!
4.) How do you feel about all the changes in the WS line up? newtowhitesnake (Laura)
DC… I roll with it, Luv… I try not to get caught up in the drama… Life & Whitesnake will continue, regardless of any changes… so, if change is necessary, let’s try & make it a change to help take it further & try to make it for the better… To Infinity… & Beyond!!!
5.) Hi David! First, I would like to say you definitely fit into the definition of “as good as port wine – the older the better”:) What we can see is that, you’re at the top of your world and you do look more in peace, happy and accomplished than ever – I get this feeling from your music, your lyrics, everything you say… However, time is flying for all of us… Changes happen and will continue to happen… How do you cope with it and how do you see it affecting your professional life in the future? You ARE an undying immortal soul & voice and I’ll always LOVE YOU! Anna a.k.a. Anitah
DC… Sweet… thank you… Yes… changes do happen & as I have said… I try to roll with them… Some aspects of getting older aren’t much fun… but, when I consider all that my life has in it I cannot help but smile… & feel a great sense of appreciation at all the positives… I really have nothing to complain about… Thankfully… apart from getting older!
I have plans to move forward with the band for as long as I physically can… & as long as people want to see & hear Whitesnake… & really, as long as I feel I have something to write & sing about…
I’m still celebrating ‘love’ on as many levels as I can & finding new ways to express it…
6.) Hi David, after having such a long and successful career, not without its ups and downs, do you have any ambitions left to fulfill that you wish to share with the Whitesnake Choir? William W, Scotland
DC… That’s an easy one, William… to continue swinging & singing along together with you lot as long as we feel we can & if we want too… & of course, continue to create new music that is as inspiring the the Choir, as earlier Whitesnake music has proved to be…
7.) Happy B-Day, DC … David, what is the strangest birthday present have you ever received? All my love, Valéria
DC…What I’m hoping to receive from my Missus, this year!… Yeah, Baby!!!
8.) How is a birthday of David Coverdale? What can not miss for this day to be perfect? Purplesnake
DC… Mostly, I prefer to ignore them, as the relentless passage of time rolls so quickly by… I love to be with Family & Friends… or, as I have on many occasions, in the company of the World Famous Whitesnake Choir anywhere in amazing World we share… Oh… & this year, I’ll be indulging in some fine Whitesnake wine… Cheers!
9.) Happy(upcoming) Birthday to you! I have always loved your music and your voice! Now for the question… Does your son look like you or your beautiful wife ? I have never seen a picture of him and have often wondered-either which way, he must be very handsome given the genes he has from both parents. Thank you and God bless you, your family, and your music!
DC…Obviously, I feel Jasper is the most beautiful boy in the world, & I feel he takes after his beautiful Mother… I have kept him reasonably hidden from public view for as long as I could… for personal reasons… however, as he is now a teen, & he embraces many social networks, as much as most every other teen on the planet… I have no doubt you’ll be seeing him sooner, rather than later…
10.) David, You have been very fortunate over the years with your music. What is something that you indulge in, outside of music, for fun?
DC… A quiet, undisturbed dinner with Cindy… dinners with Friends… I absolutely love to read… & I enjoy watching movies… Anything I feel creatively worthwhile that can absorb my attention & distract me from my work for a short time is welcome…
11.) I have been a fan since 1982. Only been to 3 show, but I have all DP and WS rec +solo. Love the early stuff. Why don’t you use more of that in your show? Love 1987, Slide it in and Slip of The Tongue… But, what about Blindman, Lady, Time & Again, Northwinds, Trouble, Walking in the Shadow of the Blues, Love Hunter, Come On, Carry Your Load, Sweet Talker, Come an’Get It, Wine Women an’Song, Lonely Days Lonely Nights, Youngblood, Bloody Luxury and………… The list goes on and on!!! Hope to see you soooooon!!! Is there a chance that you will be playing with Jon Lord ( Need your love so bad!!!!)And Blackmore. Love your music!! Trond T from Norway, Bergen:-)
DC… Yes… you are going on a bit!… But, with deep respect, I’ll sing what I want to sing…
I agree… those are pretty good songs to sing & play… & I’ve sang most of them in concert before… There is usually a good reason why I stop performing certain songs… The most important reason is if I don’t ‘feel’ them anymore… Tho’, some of them I’ll probably sing in a more unplugged environment in the future…
I do appreciate you enjoying my music, tho’… Very much…
I can’t see Jon wanting to get back out on the road with the Snake, to be honest… If he did want to come out of retirement, I would imagine Purple would be the best situation for him… After all, he’s a founder member… he helped create the music from the beginning…
I haven’t heard from Ritchie for many years… Besides… I know he loves what he’s doing & I love what I’m doing… so, there really is no reason to change if you’re happy with your band & your life, is there?
12.) DC- you got many of us “old” fans excited last year by mentioning the possibility of a box set of early snake music, including unreleased material. Is this still on the cards and, if so, can you tantalize us further with any other details of what this box-set might contain?
DC… Unfortunately, there were some misunderstandings with EMI that caused certain projects to be put on hold… I am hoping we are coming to a mutually satisfying conclusion soon, & if that is the case, I am confident that we can get the early WS project back on track as soon as possible…
To be honest, no… I like to keep some surprises until the time feels right to share… Where’s the fun in knowing what your birthday present is before your birthday?
13 .. Dear David, I always wanted to know what do you think about Robert Plant as an artist, of course? and would you like to had recorded any song with him? If this questions is uncomfortable for you forgive me please. I love you! Adriana from Argentina.(excuse for my English)
DC…Not uncomfortable at all, Luv… I have always admired & continue to admire Robert’s work…
14 .. Being in the music business for almost 40 years, is anything missed that technology has changed, in regards to recording, performing or the way a product is presented bought by fans public?
DC… I don’t miss anything… other than HUGE albums sales!… However, I do believe we will do very well, as we have always done with such loyal fan support & solid new Snakey music…
I absolutely love what can be achieved with the ProTools digital platform… It’s fun & easy… & those are always welcome components in my life…
15 .. After all this years, is it sill for fun you to go around the world playing? Do you do it for the money? Would you rather be at home with your family instead of singing your arse of out there?
DC… I balance it all very well, to be honest… This year I have the pleasure of the whole year with my Family… more, actually… & we are all getting along wonderfully…
Everything is what I want to do & how I want to do it… & everything I do I discuss with my wife before I make any firm commitments… After all… she’s my life partner…
I embrace everything I do in my life with every ounce of enthusiasm & passion… private life & professional life… or, I wouldn’t do it…
I don’t do anything ‘for the money’… but, it certainly helps keep the wolves from the door, doesn’t it?
16 .. David… World is meaning with your presence, with your great voice, with your great songs…. love you:)
DC… & I love you…
17 .. Is there any covers of Whitesnake songs you have heard and been impressed with. I recently heard a cover of Sailing Ships by Kiuas and wondered if you knew it and what you thought. Do other acts need to get permission from you to do covers and is it something you enjoy hearing.
DC… The best covers I’ve heard are by relative unknowns that publishers send me… Particularly a couple of versions of ‘Here I Go Again’… one by Audra Mae & a soulful version by Madi Diaz… Fantastic!… But, I haven’t heard the one you mention… That reminds me… I should send those versions to Bernie… he’ll love them, I’m sure…
18 .. Hey David! Happy Birthday, Man!! Me and the Missus have been listening to your great music for way to long, longer that we will admit to anyway. Age is b£&*s&*t. Thing is, my boys (10 and 7, we started late :P) have been singing your Whitesnake songs since before they knew how to draw sustenance from plastic bottle. Come to Singapore again so that they can understand what the fuss is all about! You know you will get a great crowd! You did the last time a few years back. Show my boys what a proper F*£^ng band sounds like before they get perverted by frigging X Factor and Rap. Anywhoo, have a great birthday. Keep the Faith Hugs Del and Loz
DC… Thanks, Guys… but, sadly, we haven’t had the pleasure of playing Singapore… tho’ we’d love too!
19 .. Hi David, always the same… hire and fire…? Always a new line-up…
DC… Always an anonymous miserable bastard trying to spoil the party?… Go away & take your shitty energy with you…
20 .. Hi David, what do you think about the role of rock and roll singers and musicians when it comes to fight for peace, justice and understanding?
DC… I love & appreciate everyone who uses their gifts to express their feelings… but, I don’t necessarily feel the stage should be used by everyone as a political platform…
Some people go to shows to get a much needed break from life’s trials & tribulations… That said… I love Tom Morello…
There’s room for us all…
21 .. Happy Birthday!
DC… Thank you!
22 .. Did you ever celebrate your birthday so hard, that the next day you woke up and couldn’t remember half of it? 🙂
DC… Oh, yes… many, many times… so, many… I’ve forgotten… Probably this one, too…
23 .. Did you ever lie about your age?
DC… I’d love to… but, it’s too well documented… Tho’ for many years, the UK press would say I was older than I actually was… It really pissed my Mam off… She said it made her older than she was!
DC… I am honoured… Gracias…
25 .. David, Best Wishes for a Happy and Healthy Birthday and Many Many More? Over the years you have worked with many different artists from Jimmy Page to Adrian Vandenberg, to Steve Vai just to name a few. Out of all the working relationships you have had who would you consider a kindred spirit musically? The person with whom you shared the same taste in music and the person with whom you shared the same vision when creating music?
DC… Thank you… Adrian & I were & remain very close… Doug’s a very close friend & colleague… Jimmy & I see each other when I’m in London…
I’m very blessed in the friend & colleague department…
26 .. OOps forgot to sign… Regarding the question on musical kindred spirit it is from Lia in Winchester MA
DC… See above… XX
27 .. Happy Birthday David! Boxers or Briefs???
DC… Gs… nice silk ‘uns…
28 .. First, have a lovely birthday, David, I love you, your voice, your songs. Much love, peace and happiness… So, do you think about coming back to Brazil and play in cities where you never been before, like Fortaleza? (We have beautiful beaches! Lol)
DC… Oh… like we have time to go to beaches on tour!… Yes… I’d love to come to you city… Anytime, Baby…
29 .. David, do you still smoke and if not what method did you use to stop? Joanne, Leeds W Yorks
DC… I stopped, maybe 10 years ago… I can hardly remember it now… None of my friends, or colleagues still smoke, thankfully… It really is hard to be around after you stop… I spent several weeks cutting back… waiting to have the first one on a morning went from the moment I woke up, to about noon… & then, it tasted horrible… I also used some essential oils that were recommended to me… One called ‘Joy’ by Young Living… that was very helpful…
30 .. What is your favorite Whitesnake album? P.S. You fucking rock DC!
DC… Thanks!… You too!!… Excuse the glib response, but, the one we’re making now… It’s fucking great!!!
31 .. What are you planning for this year’s birthday?
DC… I’ll leave that to my wife… I know I’m in good hands… but, more than likely I’ll be working…& hoping for a romantic dinner… then… OOO-ER!!!… Oh… unless my Beautiful Boy, Jasper, wants to do something fun with us…but, as he’s a cool teen, I think it unlikely!
32 .. How many women on average line up for you after each concert?!
DC… I have no idea… they never get past my female security team…
33 .. Dear David In the first version of “Here I Go Again” (on “Saints and Sinners”) there is a line in the chorus “Like a hobo I was born to walk alone*. In the “1987”-Version of the song the words were changed into “Like a drifter I was born to walk alone”. What was the reason for the change? Was that a concession to american taste? Thanks a lot. Cheers and Happy Birthday! Bernhard from Switzerland
DC… Actually, ‘drifter’ was the original lyric, but, I was a little uncomfortable as I used the word in several other songs… so, when Geffen Records asked me to record the song again, I was happy to revert to ‘drifter’… I prefer it… I rarely make concessions anymore…
“I make music for the glory of God and recreation for the mind and body…”
35 .. Why don’t you want to have a fan club?
DC… To be honest, we had one when we started & I just did not have the time, or resource to manage it properly… so, I let it wind down…
I feel we have a great situation here at whitesnake.com, where I can interact with many, many people from all over the World… Believe me… it takes all of those involved a significant amount of our time & resource to keep it up & running… Any more & it would cut into my imaginary workouts!
36 .. David, I was wondering.. looking back to the “Last Farewell tour” in 97.. I remember,feeling a huge sense of loss,a terrible emptiness deep inside.. to lose something so precious to me for so long.Could you share,what your feelings were..looking down into the audiences..each night..knowing.. you would loose that special feeling? (soo happy you came back lol)Thanks so much,Happy Happy Birthday! Tiara
DC…I really felt & believed it was going to be the ‘Last Hurrah’…I’d had a difficult time with EMI & I thought I simply do not want to have to deal with some of the contractual issues that had compromised my creativity & my pleasure in recording the ‘Restless Heart’ album…I genuinely felt, fuck it…enough already…I didn’t need the money, I didn’t need the glory…& I certainly didn’t need having to deal with insensitive executives to get my music out there any more…so, I truly wanted out of the music ‘business’…The ‘business’ of making music can wear you out…
However, as is obvious to all…I couldn’t keep aways…tho’ I do make sure that whatever business I enter into nowadays is on my terms & with people I want to work with …& so far, it is working out just fine…apart from a couple of areas that we ar working to resolve agreeably…
I truly miss performing with musicians to an appreciative audience…There’s nothing quite like it & I hope to be able to continue sharing new adventures for as long as we all want to interact with each other…
37 .. First things first. Happy Birthday David. My question is will You be touring in Iowa? My reason is My Husband and I WOULD LOVE to see YOU in concert. Your music is TIMELESS! My Husband saw you and the band get off the Amtrak train with MTV In 1988 for SPRING BREAK in DAYTONA BEACH FLORIDA. He still talks about that night. He got some AWESOME pictures of you guys. UNFORGETABLE TIMES! TAKE CARE, GOD BLESS and KEEP ROCKIN!!! FROM YOUR #1 IOWA FANS!!!
DC… I hope so… but, I’ll need a few more than your Huz to come see us if we do!… It really does depend on your local promoters who gets to come play their music for you… Those are the fine people you have to pester to get to invite us… Thanks!
38 .. Hi David. Congratulations on the happy birthday!!!!!!!
39 .. You’ve been asked many times about the new projects that you’re working on… apart from the new studio album, will there be anything for us that we’ve been bugging you about for so long?
DC… Yes… everything people have requested on the BBS will be available for you sooner, rather than later… I promise… There’s even more now!
40 .. Are you coming to Sweden next year?
DC… YES!!!
41 .. Hi David, during a recent trip to Whitby i thought of you! how likely would i be to bump in to you in whitby and have you got a lucky duck?
DC…I love Whitby, but, unfortunately, I haven’t had the pleasure for too many years… It’s such a pretty place… I do, however, have some beautiful pictures of the North East coast with me wherever I go…
I have a bunch of lucky ducks…
42 .. Hi, Mr. David! I have a question for You. It’s about your ex-wife. You were married with her and I have a question: do You have contact with her still?
DC… I have some contact with my first wife… I have no contact with my 2nd wife… & I have the best contact in the World with my wife, Cindy…
43 .. i wish u only to see the right path and find the only 1 solid creator . Allah have mercy on ur soul . health & happiness
DC…You too…
44 .. To our darling David , Live , Laugh and Love to the fullest , many happy returns old friend. Happy Birthday and God bless you ! I got blessed the day he gave me your music & magical voice …why music ? As an artist , is this the ultimate form of self expression for you ? Did you always want to sing? When did you discover this was your path in life ? What more would you like to achieve , what are your other passions ?? If you were not doing music , what else would you do ? What dreams do you have for your son ? Would you like Jazz to follow in your footsteps ? You have been a great part of my life and thank you for inspiring me to never give up , to keep believing in myself and above all , love , love love… God bless you xx hel
DC…Whoah, there!… One question at a time, please!!!
45 .. i just wanted to say thank you to whitesnake for still letting me rock out to this day you will always be listen to everyday in my house
DC…& I thank you…
46 .. Hi David… Happy Birthday!! Has anyone ever forgotten your birthday? Whether it was when you were younger or while being on the road during a tour? Hope you have a GREAT birthday…. CHEERS!!! Vanessa (Vintexas)
DC… No… but, I’d like to sometimes…
47 .. Happy Birthday David! I was wondering if all your old CDs LOVE HUNTER, COME AND GET IT, READY AND WILLING and the like will ever be remastered and rereleased with bonus tracks? Willie Toro Patchogue, NY (Long Island)
DC… Check Amazon… they have all been remastered with bonus tracks…
48 .. Dear David, I hope this is not too personal but I was wondering if you have brothers and or sisters , and if you do where are you in the mix ? I asked you before on the BBS but maybe it was lost in the shuffle … Thank You , Love You , Nikki LaRock 8
DC… No… I’m an only child, as they say… tho’ I do count on many friends as ‘brothers & sisters’…
49 .. DC, will Briiian Tichy use a double kick on tour with Whitesnake?:) Cheers! Eirik Solum
DC… No… just one BIG mutha… Wait til you hear him… He’s a monster… as is Michael… who proved himself above & beyond just recently with his playing & singing…A true Whitesnake Warrior… They are an amazing, powerful, soulful addition to the band…
50 .. What you feel when a kid like me says: “You are my idol, thank you for being such a perfect singer”?
DC… I am honoured & truly appreciate it…
51 .. You clearly keep fit, healthy and slim, how do you do it with the pressures of work and family life? Happy Birthday David Anjeleta
DC… I have a gym at home…& normally, I work out at least 3 times a week… mostly a bit more… I don’t have a lucky metabolism, unfortunately, so whatever I have ‘fun’, I have to work hard to get off!… You know… probably with the benefit of alkyhol, I’ve had a devil of a year staying in shape… I’ve certainly indulged myself, as my Missus would say… I shall have to get back into a more disciplined work out regime…
52 .. Did your parents ever come to terms with your being born the Child of Babylon? And do you feel they treated you differently because of the aforementioned? But seriously, David, excluding this birthday, what and where has been your wildest or most noteworthy birthdays? Have the Happiest of Happiest ones! Sincerely, COB
DC… I feel my mother certainly new I was trouble… tho’ a percentage of that was from her, I have no doubt… She gave me the voice, also… My Dad gave me my artistic ability…
53 .. Hi ! Happy birthday to you !!! And now i have a questions ; Why the bands name is whitesnake ? When comes new live dvd ? When you comes tour to Finland? I see you in Oulu 28.5.2009 and i like it very much , hope you come soon to Oulu . Best Regards Tapani
DC… Whitesnake is named after my willy… Whats’ yours called?
54 .. David how often do you have your hair cut and is it naturally straight or do you curl it with tongs?
DC… It’s naturally wavy when it’s long… I don’t think I’d be able to deal with ‘tongs’… I have it cut every 3 weeks… well… trimmed, would be a more appropriate response…
55 .. Dear David, Happy B-day! I have only once before posted on the BBS and you answered me (I asked abt your opinion about Wilson Wicked Pickett – you apparently loved his stuff as much as I do). My B-day question is a simple one – give us a fun spirited and never-before-heard anecdote on you with Jon Lord or Ritchie Blackmore? Brgds, Always been a Sinner (BBS) Thomas
DC… Er… mmm… well… there was that one time when.. no… I couldn’t possible… Oh… there was this time when… Nah… I’ll save it for the book!
56 .. Hi David, First of all: a very happy birthday to you!! And thank you for creating the soundtrack to my life, I would not know what to do without your music!I know you have visited Amsterdam on more than one occasion being on tour. But have you ever visited Amsterdam besides that and if so what did you most like about it? All my love, your flying dutch girl, Marina
DC… I love Amsterdam, as does my Family.. We usually hook up with Adrian when we’re there for farts & giggles… It’s a terrific city… action packed… Love it…
57 .. Happy Birthday David. Blindman is my favorite Whitesnake song. I have often wondered why it was never included in the live set. Although Crying In The Rain is a fantastic song, and deserves its place in the history of Whitesnake, I thought that Blindman would have been a more suitable successor to Mistreated. What do you think? PS Looking forward to the new album and tour.
DC… Of course you are entitled to your opinion… but, I I enjoy both, equally… I did try to play ‘Blindman’ one time on the ‘Ready & Willing’ UK tour… in Liverpool, I think it was… & we played it BAD… so bad, I didn’t want to even attempt it again, to be honest… However, I will most definitely be singing it when I eventually play more acoustic oriented shows in the future…
58 .. When working on a new song, what do you record first and what is last? Happy Birthday!!! Micki Jo Morton
DC… When Doug & I are working on new song demo ideas, we start to assemble a template we can build from & explore the potential of the idea… We come up with a working arrangement, then we programme drums… then start adding musical ‘colours’… to see where we’re heading… I’ll usually add a ‘jam’ vocal/lyric after he’s put a few guitars on…Keys & other embellishments come later after we have a solid structure…
This, of course, is entirely for exploring the worth & content of the song to help us decide if it is worth pursuing to the next step…
Thank you, All, for a fun-filled Q & A & for helping me celebrate this, my 59th year on this Fabulous Planet!… CHEERS!!!