“LAY DOWN STAY DOWN was one of the first songs I wrote with Ritchie Blackmore at his house in Camberley, Surrey…I took the music demo home to Redcar, on the North East coast, where I maintained an apartment overlooking the North Sea…Glenn Hughes drove up from Cannock in the Midlands to hang out & we messed around with the lyrics…It’s a lyric about dealing with bullies…an aspect of the human condition I despise…I can’t tell you the original ‘working’ title I had, as it’s quite disgusting…It’s about fighting back & not taking any shit from anybody…One of my favourite Ritchie guitar riffs from the BURN album…& my guys totally drive it, as it should be driven…absolute balls to the wall…Super scorching solo from the incendiary Joel Hoekstra & the band firing on all six cylinders…Super new video put together especially for this new GOLD celebration…N.B…Not Responsible For Speeding Tickets!!!” -DC
From The Purple Album Special Gold Edition.
Jorge Bonet Santana