50 Years Ago Today …What An AMAZING Memory…💜✨💜✨🙏✨💜✨💜‼️‼️‼️
One of the most memorable days of my amazing life… Everything was larger than life… a gauntlet of emotions from the moment we arrived by helicopter backstage… nerves about the event, being threatened by the producer that we would never work in the US again if we didn’t go onstage when he wanted us to… The soon to be star of Deep Throat, Linda Lovelace, RIP, whom we’d yet to hear of, wanting to introduce herself to Deep Purple… booze, drugs, hot & cold running women wherever you looked… & at that time I had never seen such an astonishing ocean of people all staring at the stage… It was truly huge… Truly memorable… A fun anniversary to celebrate…
David Coverdale
Hook City Studio
One of the best concerts of Deep Purple with David as a singer … I have this concert in VHS format … !!!A memorable performance !!!
Greetings from Spain !
Uno de los mejores conciertos de Deep Purple con David como cantante… Tengo este concierto en formato VHS…!! una actuación memorable !!
Saludos desde España !
Raymond Dovetail
Remember hiring the VHS BBC video from a friend at the local TV/Video shop, always knew David was destined for much bigger things outside Teesside, it would be nice if he could play at Redcar race track! Or the Sage at Gateshead!
Dr janis
Great to see this beautiful montage @purplesnake!!!! Would love to see the actual concert footage on DVD @montsi !!!! Always appreciate @davidcoverdale s comments, so sincere and heartfelt🌺💜💜 touches my heart
One of the concerts where Richie has been more happy on stage.. totally commited to the Wonderful voice of David and that made Richie play the best and Wonderful sound of historia Fender, Also wonderful the voice of Glenn, I have to buy the DVD formal!!
Andi Moorehous
I remember the CA Jam .. thinking how Cool it would have been to be there ! My big Bro had just turned me on to Rock N Roll Music ..Deep Purple ..was my 1st 💜Posters all over my walls ..it was like magic .. I will never forget the day it clicked in my head ..I had to put my Country Music on the Back Burner ..it was full blown Cranked up RocNRoll .. Thanks for giving me my first memories David Coverdale And to my Big Bro! PurpleSnake You Rock , TY…Enjoyed this XX
Hope USA tour is being planned soon, cannot wait much longer.
Jude Clarence Crasto
Great Show …When is The Whitesnake Farewell Concert DVD / Blu-ray Going to released ?
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Today In Poland just play again DVD with Deep Purple show in Ontario. After 50 years -today still many things to discover watching again this one gig…