Burn ‘Reflections’ Part 1

In the early Summer of 1973… I successfully auditioned for the position as singer with one of the most popular rock bands in the world at that time… Deep Purple… Ahh… ‘t’was the stuff of dreams, I tell ya… or, at least, a publicity agent’s dreams… A true ‘rags to riches’ story… I had goneContinue Reading

Burn ‘Reflections’ Part 2

It’s quite remarkable how ideas change once you start jamming and routining the song ideas… certainly with such creative and powerful players as Jon Lord, Ian Paice and Glenn Hughes… I could sense, even then, that they all deferred to Ritchie… and most definitely didn’t want to piss him off… but, still, it was quiteContinue Reading

2008 End Of Tour

1.) Congratulations on the Global success of “Good To Be Bad”. It must have been a great feeling to see and hear the way in which the new songs from the album has been embraced at shows all over the World? DC… Thank you… yes… it was most heartwarming to feel the album & theContinue Reading

Interview with Adrian 2005

Yes… we admit it took us sometime… but, like most things here at WS.com… it was worth the wait… (modest, ain’t we?)… After we begged, groveled, teased, pleaded, head-butted & bitch-slapped the former WS guitarist… he reluctantly agreed to allow us entry into Castle Clog, a dark, paint-splattered dwelling, nestled in the heartland of theContinue Reading